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Local government explained

Working in or with council

Each MTFJ programme is run in its own way in each council so the following is guidance only. 



Each council has an agreement with LGNZ. You can request a copy of your own council’s agreement and familiarise yourself with the requirements. The agreement includes:

  • Financial information including first and second-tranche payments
  • Outcomes required
  • Other deliverables
  • The schedule for quarterly meetings between the council, MSD, and MTFJ.

Regardless of whether the programme is run in-house or in partnership with a subcontractor, the Mayor is the leader of this programme and to help secure future funding, needs to be actively involved.​  Work with the Mayor's Executive Assistant to invite the Mayor to regular business visits to congratulate the person placed and thank the businesses. These visits are great PR for the Mayor and the programme.

You can create contacts in your CRM for the Mayor’s EA/CE and Head of Finance Manager. 



The agreement states that the council will support their coordinator and staff delivering the programme. This support can include financial delegated authority, a documented process for accessing funds to deliver the programme, and other resources like office space, tools, and equipment.

It's a good idea to organise a monthly meeting with the Mayor. This also provides a great opportunity to complete the Mayoral comments section of the monthly Jotform report.



We're committed to social procurement and involving councils in new ways to place job seekers into work. Check in with your local council contacts for opportunities to place rangatahi into work with council contractors.



Depending on whether you are a council employee or not, you may be eligible for professional development training from your council. Discuss your options and budget with your manager. 

MTFJ National Office has a budget for training for the coordinators, which covers:

  • CRM training 
  • Process and relationship management training 
  • Introductions to each of our partners online as well as sessions on media and social media with the LGNZ team members.



  • When a council decides to subcontract service delivery to an external entity, they have a responsibility to ensure that there is a process in place to regularly and consistently manage the progress of the contract.
  • The agreement also states that a council staff member should be assigned to oversee the contract and meet regularly (usually weekly) with the subcontractor to ensure mayoral/council input into the programme and that subcontractors are supported in fulfilling all contractual obligations.



  • Use the funding received from MTFJ solely to fund the programme.
  • Before committing more than $10,000 of funding to support any single initiative, provide MTFJ with a summary of that initiative and an explanation of how it will lead to Sustainable Employment Outcomes. You must receive written confirmation from MTFJ that the proposed funding amount may be applied to that initiative.